Living with Adult ADHD - Bonus Episode
We all got issues, right?
In this episode, I get super personal and share my battles with being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and mother. Bonus episodes are great because you can get to know me and my complex and complicated mind!
Taking care of your mental health
I'll be honest, sometimes discussing my depression and other mental issues that I battle is difficult for me to talk about because it can make me feel unlovable. But then I have to remind myself that everyone struggles in some kind of way and maybe me sharing what I go through can help someone else. Striving for perfectionism is a cycle of self-destruction so I have decided to take life one day at a time and love myself (all of me) through it all. If you are battling any mental challenges, I emplore you to accept that part of you and also recognize your inner super power and start to be solution based. I hope this episode blesses you in some way and if you're feeling alone, here is your reminder that YOU'RE NOT! We all got our issues! We're in this together! Also, write us a review!! It truly helps!
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